A company named MUV interactive has created a new device that not only allows the user to control any device with a screen (smart tv, computer, projector), but allows the user to control smart home electronics like lights as well as drones and other wirelessly controlled devices. They call this device Bird.
How Does it Work?
This device, as the videos above show, allows the user to manipulate anything that appears on screen that it is synced to. You can use it to scroll, swipe, select, zoom, rotate and even draw. All this can be done with up to 10 Birds per screen. This devices can be controlled with the two buttons on the side as well as the pressure sensor under the tip of the finger it is attached to. These buttons are used in combination with different movements in order to cause different actions.
Where Can You Learn More About Bird?
You can learn more on the MUV Interactive website or on their YouTube channel.
Comments and Opinions
This is an amazing device. The Bird could revolutionize how we as a society interact with our technology. By creating something that is so tangible, this company has filled a need to be able to go out and touch our technology. It has long been proven that people learn best if they can go out and touch something in real life and this device is taking us one step closer to being able to interact with our technology like we do the outside world. The Bird is going to drastically change how our society views what it can do with a computer and how we can control our screens and devices.