After his friend had an accident, causing him to loose the ability to use his hands, one man decided to make a difference in the lives of disabled people. This man is Mehmet Turker. Mehmet created a device that is worn like glasses that lets the user control their computer or device, as long as they are bluetooth enabled. This device is called the GlassOuse.
How Does it Work?
As this video explains, it is very easy to use this device. Once connected via bluetooth, the user simply puts on the device and uses head movements combined with biting to control the mouse movement and clicking respectively. This device can be connected to multiple different types of devices ranging from tablets to smartphones to computers.
How to Support GlassOuse?
You can support them by going to their website or by donating to their Indiegogo campaign. By donating, there are multiple different perks in both the profit and non-profit categories. These include getting a GlassOuse yourself or just giving money to the cause with the promise of varying degrees of thanks.
Comments and Opinions
I think that this is an amazing invention and that our world as a whole needs to become more accessible for those whose lives have been affected in one way or another, leaving them disabled. As someone who loves technology, I believe that everyone should be afforded the ability to utilize the technology of today. This is why I think that technology like GlassOuse, BLITAB and the like, are necessary for our world to become a more accessible and user friendly for place all people, despite any possible disabilities. With Mehmet Turker and people like him we can hope for a better more accessible world where everyone will be able to enjoy the technological advancements of the future.