A Swedish company has recently developed a new device that will help the drummer on the go. This device uses motion capture to interpret your movements. In doing so it allows the user to simulate drumming in thin air. They call this product Freedrum.
How Does it Work?
This product uses sensors that can determine the angle and position of your movements in comparison to your body. This allows it determine which drum/cymbal you are using. These sensors connect to your laptop or device via Bluetooth. Once connected you can hear what your are playing and even record it using any application that supports Bluetooth Midi. According to their Kickstarter campaign they personally prefer and officially support GarageBand for iOS. However it also states that it works with Android and other applications.
Where Can You Learn More About Freedrum?
You can learn more about them on their website or on their Kickstarter campaign. There campaign is currently still live and allows you to donate to help make this product a reality. For your donations you will receive gifts, based on the amount donated. These gifts range from a simple thank you ($1.00+) to receiving a book containing their journey ($10.00+) to getting 2 devices ($89.00+) to getting 24 devices ($999.00+) and many others in between. They expect to be shipping by August 2017. They have currently raised $301,852 of the $150,000 goal. That is over 2 times their goal.
Comments and Opinions
This is an amazing product. As a drummer I can imagine the amazing possibilities that this product has to offer. Freedrum has the opportunity to revolutionize the way drummers practice and make music. Personally I believe that their is no proper substitute for the real thing, but this would be amazing for practicing on the go or recording something as you think of it. This device could also be used for those that like to play until all hours of the night but do not want to disturb their housemates or neighbours. There are many possibilities with this technology. I can not wait to see how it enhances the world of music.