Do you love biking, hiking, camping or just exploring? Do you live off of water like the rest of humanity? Well I know that I do, at least the last part. For those of you that like being an adventurer or survivalist, one company has come out with a revolutionary new idea, water bottle that fill themselves. The Airo and Ryde are the two new products from Fontus. These new innovations are designed to siphon water from the air for you to drink. One is designed for if you prefer to hike or camp. The other is designed for if you prefer to bike.
The Ryde

The Ryde, which is an attachment for your bicycle, uses the fact that you are moving to allow air to pass through its filter and therefore passing into its system. Once the air is in the system it is cooled using an built in solar powered cooler. This causes condensation. But by using hydrophobic materials it does not allow the water to stick to the material and causes it to drip down the chamber into your water bottle. The Ryde can supposedly produce 0.5 litres in one hour in good conditions, meaning warm and humid.
The Airo

The Airo uses an accompanying solar panel to power the mechanism that extracts the water for the air. Needing more power than the Ryde, which saves on solar power by using the wind to capture air, the Airo needs a much larger solar panel to power it. Although it is larger, it still wraps nicely around the bottle for easy clean up and storage.
Where Can You Learn More About Fontus?
They are still a relatively new company, but their ideas are great and if you want to learn more about their company or you want to contact them, then you should check out their website.
Comments and Opinions
This company has an amazing concept. Sadly it is still in the prototype phase. I think they have thought of a lot of the possible issues and have solved the majority of them. The only one that is resting on my mind is that although it does have an air filter to keep out solid objects like dust and bugs, it does not have a water filtration system put in it. This means that the quality of your water depends on the quality of your environment. So if you are out camping somewhere then you would probably be fine, but if your were using either of these in a polluted area the water extracted could be potentially harmful. That would be my only change. Otherwise this an amazing innovation, allowing people to have drinking water where some may not otherwise be found.