Reading User Input Using the Scanner Class in Java

Java is very versatile in its ability, but can become even more versatile with the integration of user input. One way to have user input is the Scanner Class. This class allows the programmer to scan the keyboard and get input from the user.

How to Instantiate the Scanner Class

Since it is not built into the regular Java library, it needs to be imported. It can be imported like so:

Scanner Class import


Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 1.04.58 PM

Note: All imports are declared at the top of the program before the main method like so:

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 1.05.22 PM

Read moreReading User Input Using the Scanner Class in Java

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The String Class and the Integer Class

The String and Integer Classes are very useful to know. Some of their methods (runnable pieces of code) are very useful to everyday coding.

The String Class

substring(start, end) – substring can be use to grab a certain section of a string. It is used by giving it a start and end position. If no end position is given it assumes the end of the string. Also important to note, the end position is actually one more than what is grabbed. You can just use the substring right away or you can save it either over the original or in its own variable. You can see in this example:

Class Eclipse String Example

Read moreThe String Class and the Integer Class

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