A company from Portland, Oregon, called Saber Forge, has come out with a new product. This product is a fully customizable lightsaber. These lightsabers are shipped to you in parts so that you can assemble them yourself.
Technology News and Coding
HK (Heckler & Koch), AR500 Armour and a few others teamed up to make this amazing Star Wars themed ballistic body armour.
As a Star Wars fan this armour makes me so happy. I want one for myself. These spectacular body armours would be amazing to use for airsoft or paintball.
With the recent release of the newest Star Wars Movie, there has been an increase to the already giant hype that the series already had. This craze, which I am a full supporter of, has led to many new fans, and has given a New Hope to old fans for the coming trilogy. Not only has it inspired many people in the form of cosplay and fan fiction but one engineer had taken it upon himself to attempt to make a real life lightsaber.