A Danish team of developers based out of Copenhagen have created a new application. This application works with solely your phone or with a purchasable wand. Either method allows you to interact with the app. They call it Maguss.
Technology News and Coding
A new international open source project has started. This project’s goal is to create a complete model of a living organism that is exact down to its neutrons. This will aid in the future study of more complex organisms. But, as it stands, they have chosen to start small, really small in fact. The organism they have started with is a worm, and a microscopic one at that. This project is called OpenWorm.
A New Zealand based company has recently come out with a new form of building block. This block allows the user to create flexible, bendable and even bouncy creations. These blocks allow the user to take their creativity to the next level. They call their new product Flexo.