A company from Portland, Oregon, called Saber Forge, has come out with a new product. This product is a fully customizable lightsaber. These lightsabers are shipped to you in parts so that you can assemble them yourself.
More Information
Sadly, these are still only props, but they are very good props. As you can see in the video above, the pair are testing their new blade (just the blade section not the hilt) against others made by their competitors. As they show, they make a superior blade.
Saber Forge has been around for a couple years, but their newest thing is that you can now order the parts separately and customize your own saber. You can do this on their new website called Adaptive Saber Parts. If you want to preview how the saber would look, you can go to their other site: Saber Parts. Here is a demo video showing off their new service:
As you can see in the video, their site is fairly intuitive. It also allows you to mix and match any of their different components. This allows you to create a single bladed or dual bladed lightsaber, or one in the Kylo Ren style, with a built in guard.
Where Can You Learn More About Saber Forge?
You can learn more about them on their official website, Saber Parts or on their Kickstarter campaign. Their campaign is now over after raising almost 8 times their original goal, but it is still useful to find out about their story. They also post fairly regularly on their Twitter account.
Comments and Opinions
Growing up I really enjoyed watching the Star Wars movies. Like most children that enjoyed them, I always really wanted a lightsaber. But when I was kid the best you could buy was made of cheap plastic. It lit up and made noises as well as having an extendible blade but would not withstand an actual sword fight. Saber Forge and many like them are pushing the boundaries for lightsaber replicas. These are amazing sabers, and the ability to customize your own brings a whole new element to the game.