Nike’s HyperAdapt 1.0: The First Power Lacing Shoes

Nike HyperAdapt 1.0

Back to the Future had a very interesting image of where our world was going to be, technologically speaking. This included flying cars, hover boards, self fitting clothing (and shoes) and more. Some we have seen already and some people are still working towards. But Nike has just recently released their HyperAdapt 1.0, the first shoes with power lacing.

What is Power Lacing?

Power lacing is essentially the ability for your shoes to tie themselves. The idea was thought up in Back to the Future Part II. In this movie Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) goes into the future. While there, he needs to blend in. In an attempt to do so, he dresses in clothing from “the future.” Among these are a pair off Nike shoes that can tie themselves. As you can see here:

For Back to the Future day, Nike released the Nike Mag for public use. The only difference is that these do not have power lacing.


How Does the HyperAdapt 1.0 Work?

When you put the shoe on, your heel hits a sensor that then sends a signal through the shoe to let it know that it should tighten. Once it has tightened, there are controls on the shoe to adjust the tightness to your personal preference.

If you want to learn more you can check out Nike’s website.

Comments and Opinions

I think that the HyperAdapt 1.0 is an amazing innovation in footwear. It will allow for people with physical disabilities, like back or hip problems, to not have to bend over to tie their shoes. It could also mean that future generations may not know (or need to know) how to tie their shoes.


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