A Florida, USA based company has devised a new management system for anyone that has a lot of equipment that they need to pack and keep track of. This product seems to be designed for people with lots of camera or technological equipment, but could be useful for anyone with lots of small items that they need to keep track of. This system can tell you which things are missing and even allows you to create multiple groups of your equipment. They call this product GearEye.
How Does it Work?
The video above was done for their Kickstarter campaign. It gives an in depth explanation on how their product works.
This product uses really thin RFID strips stuck onto your devices to track them. It allows you to use their device or a smartphone case to determine (based on proximity) if allow your gear is with you. If it is not the two can be used to point you to it.
In unison with the device/case the software includes an app for your phone. On this app you can store multiple lists of devices. It can tell you if everything from that list is present or even if you have things in your bag that are extra.
This is useful for anyone with lots of equipment that needs to constantly change what they bring to different places.
Where Can You Learn More About GearEye?
You can learn more about this management system on their website or on their Kickstarter campaign. Their campaign is almost over but with it you can get a great deal by donating.
Comments and Opinions
I think that this is an amazing product. GearEye allows you to continue on with your work or hobby worry free. This device is perfect for anyone who is forgetful or anxious about forgetting things. With a simple tap on your phone you can ensure that you have everything you need, and only what you need. This device will put many minds at ease.