A New Zealand based company has recently come out with a new form of building block. This block allows the user to create flexible, bendable and even bouncy creations. These blocks allow the user to take their creativity to the next level. They call their new product Flexo.
How Does it Work?
As you can see in this video, there are many different ways you can use this new type of building block. These blocks have special cuts made into them that allow you to connect them via tendon-like connectors. This is what gives them their flexibility. These tendons come in four different sizes to allow for different levels of flexibility.
These blocks are fully compatible with Lego and Mega Bloks. They offer the ability to augment these other block brands to allow you to fully realize your imagination.
More Information About Flexo
You can learn more about these blocks on their website or on their Kickstarter campaign. As I am writing this, they are just past half of their goal amount. As per usual, on their campaign, they offer many different rewards for different monetary contributions. Of their current 717 backers, 6 have already contributed $900+ NZD, which is their highest contribution category. That means they contributed over $864.51 CAD or $654.35 USD. The prizes can be anything from a self built keychain, to 30 beginner packs. Each beginner pack includes 50 of both sizes of blocks and 75 tendons of each of their four sizes.
Comments and Opinions
As someone who played with Lego as a child, I would have loved to have had this product as a kid. This would be an amazing way to increase the creativity of any child. Flexo blocks open up a whole new world of possibilities. The ability to have your blocks respond to movement in a fluid motion is an amazing feat. The closest resemblance to these tendons were Lego’s hinge pieces that allowed for doors. But these new blocks would allow you to go above and beyond their predecessors. As the above video shows us, there are many new and interesting things that can be created like the ability to create a flexible bow that can shoot real arrows. This is an amazing leap in the field of childhood development and will boost and increase the next generation’s creativity and ingenuity.