An Italian company has just released their new product which will revolutionize oral hygiene. This new electric toothbrush is designed to give you a proper clean in only 10 seconds. They call it the GlareSmile.
How Does it Work?
This video has been dubbed over in English from its original language, Italian.
This video shows how easy and fast it is to use their brush.
This toothbrush uses 3 brushes that work in unison to give your teeth a proper clean, with very little effort on your behalf. All you have to do is turn it on and slide it across your teeth. It also has a a built-in UV light to kill germs while not in use. With the built in touch screen, you can set it to multiple different modes depending on the sensitivity of your teeth and the intensity of the cleaning you wish to have. It even has built in software that allows you to track your brushing habits so that you know whether you are brushing as often as you should.
As the video says, the brush is very environmentally friendly having been made from completely recycled materials. The brush can also be charged using a solar powered charging station.
Where Can You Learn More About The GlareSmile?
You can learn more about them by checking out their website and their Kickstarter campaign. Although their campaign is over, you can check out their page to learn more about their progress.
Comments and Opinions
This is an amazing product. The GlareSmile allows you to get a proper clean in just 10 seconds as opposed to the recommended manual brush time of 2 minutes. This would save you an immense amount of time over your lifetime. Personally I do not have the time to spend 2 minutes or more three times a day (which is recommended). I would much rather spend 10 seconds three times a day.