Back in 2013, Elon Musk, one of the brightest minds alive today came up with the concept for a tube, similar to a subway that could travel faster than any other mode of transportation out there. Unfortunately Elon did not follow through with his concept himself. He instead put his idea out into the world and challenged others to come up with the best working concept. This mode of transportation is called the Hyperloop. It is estimated that the final design will be able to travel around 1220 km/h. This would minimize travel time for any long distance trips.
Who is Actually Making it?
Among many others, there are two major companies that are competing to be the first to perfect and release this technology. Back in 2015, an interview was done with the CEO of one of the companies about their progress:
This next video is an introduction to the other company’s business plan:
Finally Hyperloop One did an open air propulsion test:
These two companies are competing to be the first to release a successful prototype.
How is Elon Musk Involved?
According to the SpaceX website, they are hosting an event at which university students can compete to create the best capsule. They have offered up a venue to host the track where the competition will take place. They have actually narrowed down who will be competing in this final competition. The results are posted here.
Where Can You Learn More about The Hyperloop?
You can Check out the two companies’ websites: One and Transportation Technologies. You can also check out the original document published by Elon Musk. SpaceX, Elon Musk’s company, also wrote an article on the Hyperloop.
Comments and Opinions
I think that this new mode of transportation cold be amazingly beneficial to reduce commute as well as allow people to commute further in less time. This could revolutionize the way we travel.