This Canadian Youtuber, Jason Hobson, whose channel name is the Hacksmith, had previously created an exoskeleton, for the upper body. that allowed him to curl 275 pounds, which he did for a live studio audience. Originally inspired by Elysium:

Hobson has now created an lower body exoskeleton. This will hopefully soon evolve into a full body exoskeleton to give the full Iron Man experience.
How does this Iron Man-esque Exoskeleton work?
Using pneumatic cylinders and a couple other components, Hobson was able to create a lower body exoskeleton that is able to lift a Mini Cooper. This is an amazing feat. You can see for yourself in this video:
Comments and Opinions
As the video says they are working towards building an upper body to match the lower body they just built. Hopefully that in the short run it will result in something similar to Call of Duty Advanced Warfare:

At the end of the video he mentions how they joked about attempting to recreate the flight capabilities of the Mark II Iron Man suit. But if they are able to perfect that technology, I would have to agree with Robert Downey Jr. in saying “I’m sold.”