From the creators of the Raspberry Pi comes the new innovation, the Pi Zero. In an attempt to give the gift of coding this Christmas, the people of Raspberry Pi have come up with a new innovative computer that maximizes functionality, while minimizing costs. While it is not a super computer, it is functional and cost effective. At only $5.00, or free if you buy issue #40 of their magazine, this is the cheapest functional computer to date.
What Are the Specs of the Raspberry Pi Zero?
As mentioned above the Pi Zero is functional and compact. It has a 1GHZ processor, 512 MB of RAM and plugs to attach a screen, keyboard, mouse and more. According to their site it can also run Minecraft and many other applications. The Raspberry Pi collection runs their own operating system called Raspbian which you can download here.
Where Can I Get a Raspberry Pi Zero?
You can get them at select stores in the US and UK. Also, each copy of their magazine, The MagPi, issue #40 comes with a free Pi Zero. For more details check out raspberrypi.org’s article on the Pi Zero. You can also get them from the MCM Electronics website.